SRC SFIT COMMITEEThe SRC SFIT COMMITEE has strived to impart quality education to all its students since its inception. The remarkable progress made in such a short span of time is testament to the pedigree of our faculty, resources and alumni. However, in the integrated global economy that we all operate, there is an increasing demand for individuals who are able to understand different cultures, perspectives to effectively solve global problems locally and vice versa. Hence, there is a need to demonstrate appropriate behaviours and result oriented actions without compromising on one’s core values and belief systems. This requires tremendous internal strength to overcome adversity whilst upholding one’s moral code.

In such a challenging world, an academic institution plays a much greater role in a student’s life than just the traditional role of teaching and knowledge dissemination.

The Social Responsibility Cell was thus formed to undertake the challenge of creating socially responsible global citizens. Students enter college at a crucial juncture in life wherein they embark on a journey of self-discovery and lifelong goal setting.

The Social Responsibility Cell will provide a platform for students to explore and pursue their passion through which students can make a positive impact on the society that we live in. The focus will be to enable the students to understand that the contribution of the community is far greater in their lives than their own contribution to the community. In the process, students have the opportunity to discover their individuality i.e. create their own identity, yet remain humble.

The holistic development of a student is at the core of the Social Responsibility Cell’s objectives. Also, it will help students be:

"We must always give back more than what we consume”