About National Service Scheme |St. Francis Institute of Technology

The vision of St. Francis Institute of Technology is to transform the dynamic youngsters into technological entrepreneurs and innovative leaders. We also encourage and give the students the opportunities to give back to society. For this purpose we have the National Service Scheme that aims to create awareness among our students on social responsibility, ethical values, professional ethics, protection of environment and ecosystems and also to undertake social service and humanitarian activities mainly for the economically backward and marginalized communities. The SFIT NSS Unit was established in the Academic Year 2015-16, with an enrolment of 50 student volunteers and from the academic year 2016-17 to 2021-22 the number of enrolled student volunteers has been 100 each year. And from the year 2022-23 the University of Mumbai permitted us to enrol 120 student volunteers. The National Service Scheme operates as per the guidelines of the Mumbai University.
Vision:- The vision is to build the youth with the mind and spirit to serve the society and work for the social uplift of the down-trodden masses of our nation as a movement.
Mission:- The National Service Scheme has been functioning with the motto “NOT ME BUT YOU” in view of making the youth inspired in service of the people and hence NSS Aims Education through Community Service and Community Service through Education. The main objectives of the National Service Scheme are as follows:
 To develop among the students a sense of social and civic responsibility
 To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
 To learn to organize programmes and events
 To uphold the dignity of labour
 To live in groups and share responsibilities
 To identify the needs of the community and take efforts to solve them
 To use their knowledge in finding practical solutions to environmental,
health related, educational problems and for entrepreneurship.
The activities our student volunteers are involved in are Humanitarian activities mostly among the vulnerable, economically backward and underprivileged population. Our students also focus on cleanliness activities with Swachh Bharat mission and participate and organize swachata related activities and provide an impetus towards the nationwide mission of swachh bharat abiyan. Creating awareness on various health related issues with the objective of prevention and eradication has also been the focus of our volunteers while organizing in health related awareness campaigns. Through the medium of street plays skits and dance form our students have created awareness on social issues. The Important National days, such as Independence day & so on are celebrated and the spirit of Patriotism is upheld. Our student volunteers take part in Environmental Related activities such as environmental conservation and tree plantations. The Impact of NSS among students:
The participation of student volunteers has impacted the student volunteers in multiple ways. NSS helps the student to grow individually and also as a group. Volunteering for various tasks under NSS activities allows students to become confident, develop leadership skills, and learn about different people from different walks of life. It has helped in perspective building on various issues and motivated them to give back to society. Volunteering has also helped in bringing about behavioral changes and discipline. They have also learnt to provide solutions to the problems faced. The activities that the NSS Volunteers do in the rural villages and communities has brought about changes in development especially in the field of Health and Education. Challenges:
Participation from the volunteers need improvement. The volunteers have to complete 120 hours of volunteering work. It is observed that only 65% of the volunteers complete stipulated 120 hours. The funds we receive from the university are insufficient. The University provides Rs. 340 per Volunteer for regular activities and Rs. 700 per volunteer (7 days) for the rural camp. Since the funds from the university are insufficient we request contributions from the management and the student volunteers.